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Master Your Mindset
Overview (2:56)
Pre-assessment (3:02)
Protocol for group coaching calls (11:33)
Disclaimer and disclosures
Shoshin, and dealing with resistance
Important mental health resources
Week 1: All About Mindfulness
Overview (2:21)
Week 1 Workbook (10:40)
What is mindfulness? (27:36)
The value of mindfulness (23:38)
Tips for various kinds of mindfulness practices (32:24)
Week 1 Checkin
Week 2: Shaping Reality Through Thoughts
Overview [and Week 2 Workbook] (4:48)
What you think about, you bring about (46:51)
What affirmations are, and why they matter (24:41)
Ending the cycle of blame (29:07)
Week 3: The Power of Language
Overview (5:40)
Life-affirming vs. life-threatening language (32:21)
Observations vs. evaluations (20:27)
Practicing compassionate communication (19:41)
Week 4: Understanding the Energy Body
Overview (2:18)
All about chakras (32:15)
Your aura, the seven-layer cake (17:13)
Harnessing meridians (13:49)
Week 5: Healing Negativity and Reaching Higher Vibrations
Overview (1:46)
Week 5 workbook (6:00)
Fear vs. Love: The two ways to live life (36:33)
Leveraging the power of gratitude (19:46)
The emotional guidance scale (20:17)
Taking care of body, mind, and spirit (33:44)
Week 6: Greeting the Emotional Pain Body
Week 5 Workbook (2:50)
What is the emotional pain body? (12:17)
Identifying how the pain body lives in you (10:36)
Healing the emotional pain body with mind-body medicine (10:55)
Week 7: Leveraging Metaphysics in Daily Life
What is metaphysics?
Week 7 Workbook
Human Design 101
Western Astrology 101
Week 8: Creating the Ideal Life and Self
Overview (3:05)
Week 6 Workbook (1:49)
Practicing worthiness and dreaming big (18:45)
Designing your 1-year vision (27:13)
The importance of support and accountability (4:12)
Putting together your mindset toolbox
BONUS: Intro to Reiki
What is Reiki?
Different styles of Reiki
The three levels of Usui Reiki
Getting started with Reiki
All about chakras
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